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The gastrointestinal tract (GI tract, digestive tract, alimentary canal) is the tract or passageway of the digestive system that leads from the mouth to the anus. The GI tract contains all the major organs of the digestive system, in humans and other animals, including the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Cells of the GI tract release hormones to help regulate the digestive process.

Showing 1–12 of 13 results

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Creon Sd Granules (Pancreatin 150 Mg)

Available Strength : Creon 40000, Creon 25000, Creon 10000

Hepamerz Sachet

Available Strengths : Panlipase 300 Mg, Panlipase 150, Panlipase 200, Hepamerz Tab Available Substitutes : Creon 40000, Creon 25000, Creon 10000, Creon Granules

Hepamerz Tablet (Indigestion Pill)

Available Strengths : Panlipase 300 Mg, Panlipase 150, Panlipase 200 Available Substitutes : Creon 40000, Creon 25000, Creon 10000, Creon Granules

Pancreatin 150 mg Capsules (Creon 10000)

Available Strength : Creon 400, Creon 300

Pancreatin 300 mg Capsules (Creon 25000)

Available Strength : Creon 40000, Creon 10000, Creon Granules

Pancreatin 400 mg Capsules (Creon 40000)

Available Strength : Creon 25000, Creon 10000, Creon Granules.

Panlipase 150 Mg (Pancreatin 10000 IU Capsules)

Available Strengths : Panlipase 300 Mg Available Substitutes : Creon 40000, Creon 25000, Creon 10000, Creon Granules

Panlipase 200 Mg (Pancreatin Tablet)

Available Strengths : Panlipase 300 Mg, Panlipase 150 Available Substitutes : Creon 40000, Creon 25000, Creon 10000, Creon Granules

Panlipase 300 Mg (Pancreatin 25000 IU Capsules)

Available Strength : Creon 40000, Creon 10000, Creon Granules

Peg 3350 Powder (Laxopeg Sachet) 

Available Sachets : Hepamerz Sachet

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